
Services Designed to Support Your Spiritual Journey through life


Reiki Session

In-Person & Distance

Reiki ~ is a holistic approach to healing, helping to restore balance to the body energetically, emotionally, mentally and physically.

Reasons you may want to experience a Reiki session:

• General balancing

• Clearing emotional blocks

• Physical pain

• Increasing clarity

• Feeling overwhelmed with life.

Leaving you feeling relaxed, rejuvenated and whole

Book Your Session Here

She is bang-on with her intuitive abilities and healing. You immediately feel welcomed, and with her sparkly energy and attentiveness - by really listening and hearing you as she holds space for you to share
— C.G
Copy of What if you were already perfect_ If healing simply meant you changed your thoughts, ideas and beliefs about a thing..jpg

Interactive Intuitive Session

In-Person & Online

Reiki ~ Dragon Energy ~ Angels ~Akashic records

Mirroring your Magnificence through Soul lead session.

Holding space for you to embody Self fully, the freedom to let go and release energy that is no longer serving you and gain access to the wisdom of your Soul.

Each session leaves you feeling heard, fulfilled, relaxed, rejuvenated and whole.

Interactive Sessions may include but are not limited to, Intuitive guidance, Mediumship, Channeling, healing with dragons, angels and celestial beings, chakra alignment, soul expansion, Akashic wisdom & clearing and card readings.

Book Your Session Here

Services Deep In Nature

sessions that move with life & are not limited to online availability

Energetic Support

Are your emotions all over the place after hitting the gym, attending a therapy session, or enduring a draining medical appointment?

Each of these engagements moves energy, and sometimes we could use a little help navigating the overwhelming shift.

This is why I have created this service! An inexpensive way to support your overall well-being!

Inspired by the powerful concept of the medicine wheel, a session aimed at supporting every aspect of your life: spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional. Ensuring you feel supported, clear, and balanced throughout your journey.

Sessions may include but are not limited to Reiki, Akashic clearing, dragon healing, chakra alignment and soul expansion or a combination thereof. 

To Book Contact Me Here

Blessings & Clearings

Honouring Your Space Through Divine Touch

Connecting to the spirit of the land, nurturing the past, calling forth healing and embracing the wisdom of loving guidance and protection for the future. Joining together in harmony to create tranquillity and flow for the future.

I respectfully acknowledge that Sherwood Park is located on Treaty 6 territory, a traditional gathering place for diverse Indigenous peoples.

Sessions are Performed Distantly or In Person

To Book Contact Me Here

The bonding Bliss, I could tell right after she was done he felt so much better. and helped gave us a better connection.
I can’t thank her enough, for what she has done! Sheri’s work is out of this world.
— J.M

Bonding Bliss

The love between a parent and child, regardless of how it is developed, is a Blessing.

Connection to our children is a natural state of being, however, there are times when this connection is disrupted. You may find yourself saying, “I know I love you,” but the feeling of that love is disjointed and just out of reach.

Bonding Bliss sessions support the connection between parents/caregivers and their children, facilitating a connection that is free-flowing with love and grace as you navigate the journey of life together.  

A space created not only for the connection to flourish but for the guilt in your heart to be released in tender love and care. 

To Book Contact Me Here
