A Kitten With A Story

The Vegas Sign


I  post a bit ago about the bright Vegas Signs of healing. You can read that post here. I am an avid dreamer, and I thought I would share with you a dream, a bright Vegas sign.


In this dream I was at our home, if you haven’t been, it’s a lovely old-growth acreage with a lane lined with trees. There were people trying to drive down our lane.  The mythic in me, standing at the end of our lane, create a wall of energy around our space that said no, you’re not allowed to enter. Walking back to the house, telling the dogs we ignore their attempts and let’s go back home.


Walking up the front steps there was this kitten in a cage, I recalled earlier it was dropped off by someone, and I kept forgetting to feed it, I kept forgetting to bring this kitten inside. This kitten was neglected for so long, it didn’t even cry for me when I walked by.  It just lay there silently, hoping one day, I would remember.


As I walked up the stairs, this time was different, I opened the door to the cage and pulled out this severely neglected kitten. Covered in waste, I cradled this kitten into my chest as I walked inside toward the kitchen. Taking tender love and care that the water was not too cold, not too hot as I began cleaning this baby kitten.  Hearing the kitten purr as the suds built and it felt clean again.  Wrapping this baby kitty in a towel, holding it close as I grabbed soft food.  As I lay on the floor with this kitten it had difficulty eating, I noticed its paws were healed worn to stubs from trying to get out. I stroked this kitten and let it know it would stay here and be loved despite its injuries. I made sure the other cats and kittens didn’t steal its food. I stroked this kitten telling it that it was welcome here despite what anyone said or wanted, here was home.


I gently opened my eyes from my sleep. Feeling the depths of this dream, I looked up the meaning.  

Kittens symbolize your inner child. The home represents yourself.  I welcome you to read the dream again with this information.


It was at that moment I could really acknowledge the powerful message.


My inner child was neglected, caged, and delivered by someone else, as it sat there outside of Self. Physical signs that it fought hard to be heard. Now, no longer begging to be heard, knowing no one would hear. Simply waiting, perhaps someone would see.


Me knowing it was there, but forgetting to feed this part or even bring it inside my sense of self.


Until finally, I could see it.  Instinctively bringing it into my sense of self with love. I cleaned it with care, I wrapped it up and gave it good food. I told this part I loved it despite the injuries. I made sure it received it’s fair share of nourishment.  I told it here was home no matter what anyone says, here is where love is.


This.. this was a giant bright vegas sign of arrival, I’m so glad I noticed it on my journey home.
