Jesus and Me

You will often hear me say I am not religious, but that I am spiritual. 

I have a close relationship with jesus and god. I own a bible, other religious texts and find Christmas and Easter to be times where my connection grows the strongest. 

I listen to religious based music and have Jesus oracle cards.  So I suppose what I am saying is that perhaps I am religious. I have attended church and enjoy the scriptures and certainly enjoy the hymns. The joy I receive from praising the lord is beyond words.  So why do I not attend church or belong to a congregation? 

Well, here goes the truth, I don’t believe that the church is 100% accurate.  I do not believe in a judgemental god, I do not believe that I must praise him to go to his kingdom.  I believe I am already in his kingdom. Have you not looked around? Have you not looked within? I believe in a space where science and religion are one, where I am as much a part of god as you, as mother teresa and as much as hitler. 

I am an energy worker and receive messages from spirit, from loved one’s passed, and can tell you things about your life that google itself doesn’t know.  I believe that this is mystical to some, but it is a gift given to us all, I’ve just ran more kilometers than you. You see that gut feeling, that sense that something happened in a room prior to you arriving, that sense that someone is pregnant even though they said nothing.  This is all your gift at work, this is your intuition. That moment you feel a loved one near you, you think of them or get a sniff, perhaps a memory comes or someone says something that reminds you so completely of your loved one it takes your breath away, that’s your loved one talking to you, reaching you. 

Those moments where you silently thank god, even though you say you don’t believe, those moments god is with you and so are the angels.  

Where religion turns me away is when a judgmental god comes in.  I need not be baptized to go to heaven, god create me and loves me as I am, murder, mother, rapist, or lover. I need not confess my sins, god already knows what I chose for this life, he knows my pain and suffering better than I do; she loves me wholly.  I do not need him to forgive me, for you see I’m already forgiven, it is my own unforgiveness that binds me. God loves me unconditionally, the way she encourages us to love one another. Unconditional love cares not about anything, but love itself. Unconditional love meets you where you are and embraces you with open arms and an open heart.  It does not try to explain you, change you, nor does it judge you. It cares only about love itself. 

So when I go to church and I hear the judgement, or I read one of my books, a bible passage and I hear/see the judgement I hear that’s inaccurate.  You see jesus, god and I talk daily, in fact it is with the guidance of them both that I am here today. That I do energy work, that I reveal messages to others, that I have worked on healing my self and by doing so am able to help heal the earth. By healing my self, I mean that I get closer to the truth of who I am, that perfect divine being that is infinite and all knowing.  Shedding the layers of beliefs I’ve picked up along the way. One of which is judgement, judgement runs so deep in religion as it does in our history and our past. You hear it in daily conversations, in your thoughts and beliefs about people, places or things. No wonder we can’t all get along, we’re too busy judging each other behind our backs.  

It is with the hands of god that we give food to the homeless, that we offer up our birthday money to a family less fortunate to celebrate the life of christ.  It is with gods hands that I hold my children when they cry, when they scream and it is Jesus who holds me when I yell, when I become so overwhelmed with this life that I fall to my knees.  

So while I may not attend your church, or claim you as my religion, I am indeed religious; I attend a church of my own, my body, mind and soul is the temple, and create space to worship give gratitude to my creator every day through mediation and daily conversation. 

We praise a god that judges, that we must repent to to cleanse us of our sins, to become these innate perfect beings.  I believe this to be a lie; I believe that we are already perfect, that in every moment we have a choice to express the source within us, within our hearts.  We have been taught for many years that we are imperfect, that we are unloveable, that we are not enough, and we have a god to prove it. We have a god that punishes us for our sins. For most of my life I pushed religion away because this message really went against my soul, against what I felt so deeply within my heart.  I couldn’t believe that I was being punished.. For what? I’m a child? Aren’t I innocent? Have I not come here clean? If anyone is to be punished should it not then be my parents, and their parents and their parents and on and on we go through time, until we get to the beginning, which would be god as our creator. So who are we punishing? I believe we are punishing ourselves through unforgiveness, through the belief that we are indeed unloveable, unworthy and undeserving of all the good right within reach. 

I employ you to ask with everything you read, hear and or see, if it aligns with what is in your heart, does it make you feel alive? Feel love so deep you want to cry? Does it bring you great joy and happiness?  This is your truth. We all express divinity through our unique lens of life. What is true for you may not be true for me, but isn’t there beauty in that? Take away the judgement, take away the right and wrong, and replace it with love.  Unconditional love. 

My greatest joy is watching others live through their soul. If you are living from a place of true love, of unconditional love, I support you and value you 100%, who am I to say you are wrong or right?  

As an empath you can feel when people are being truthful, you can see to their soul, you can see the pain, the anger, the hurt, though more importantly you can see their light.  You can see they are doing their best, and you guide them to that light the best you can. We are all perfect, divine beings that are enough, that are loved, and that are worthy.  It’s time we start believing in something that agrees. It is time that we question our religion, or spirituality, or beliefs, and ask if what we’re wearing makes us look like the gorgeous beings we are, or perhaps it doesn’t quite fit right, we can make alterations to this fabric, you know. Alter it so it fits so beautifully, others ask you where you got it, then share with them your journey and your joy. 

~Sheri Tenney~

Photo by Artem Beliaikin from Pexels

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