Letting Go

Letting go can be scary. Letting go of all we have ever known.  Letting go of the beliefs and stories we have told ourselves. What is left after we let go?

Are we Alone? Then What?

Is this then the place we are able to feel our own vastness? A place of beginnings and endings, where we are neither light or dark, up or down, right or wrong? We are the all of it? Where we feel our Godliness? Where we choose our next experience? Our next expression? Is this what it is like to have Silenced our Ego?

We are constantly growing and changing, shedding. A state of growth much like a plant. We place seeds; our ideas, ambitions, thoughts and goals, as we nurture this they then grow, budding through the soil reaching for the sun – reaching for our inner light.  The sun, our Solar Plexus, the place where we create the life we want, our strengths, and our authentic Self. 

This seed, now taller, as it starts to bud into a flower that blooms, comes to fruition, exposing the beauty of this seed that was planted. What was nurtured, planted and exposed to the Sun. Bringing to light and revealing all that is. Naturally as flowers and plants do, this flower shines its beauty for a short while before going to seed and starting to decompose. Allowing the opportunity to then grow, change, and transmute what came before.  To grow in new conditions as each day forever brings new opportunity through change.

Tenderly we watch, water and nurture each seed, at times unaware of the seeds we plant.


These seeds are our thoughts, what we carry in our mind.  The Good news, changing our life is as simple and as complicated as changing our thoughts.  The “Bad” news (there really is no good or bad in my opinion), we are then responsible for every thought, deed and action; every seed we plant. Are we tending to the soil, our foundation, in which we plant these seeds? As we know from gardening, each plant that grows and decomposes, adds to the nutrients in the soil. Each seed also takes nutrients from the soil, good soil is a delicate dance, so to is the balance with our thoughts.

Once we travel within our hearts and sit with what’s inside, it’s not always light fluffy clouds and rainbows, it can be dark and haunting, it can feel so painful we just want to leave. It is in this pain that we will discover our greatest transformation. Asking why we hurt, asking when did you feel this way, what was the event.  Being able to view these events as just that, an event, no judgement of self or of others.

Being mindful even in the darkness, allowing our emotions to flow, yet not over exaggerate, or attach and identify ourselves as these feelings.  Using our emotions to gauge our connectedness, to gauge our feelings of worthiness of all that is - to unlimited love and abundance.

“Never forget that once upon a time, in an unguarded moment, you recognized yourself as your friend. And in that moment of recognition, this is when we save ourselves, from the self that was never real to begin with. This is when we see with the eye of the heart.” excerpt from Mary Magdalene Revealed.

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