Going Within


Why are we so afraid to look within? Often, we move through life feeling helpless and not in control so we act in a way to try and control our exterior experience believing it will tame the inner experience, where we lack; we feel incomplete, hurt, abandoned, unlovable or that we are simply not enough.

Believing that the actions of others are the cause of these feelings because so and so said or did this to me (ie: as a child I experienced abuse and was bullied therefore they made me feel unloved and not good enough. Therefore, I must be “no good” I asked adults for help and didn’t receive any, therefore I must not have a voice and lack worthiness.)

As we move through life, we build beliefs and ideas based on our experiences, as we are taught and raised to look outside of ourselves for happiness, for approval. Advertising does a wonderful job of playing with our egos, that we lack, that we require this product to have value, to add value, to be loved, etc.

If we disconnect from our hearts long enough, it becomes a scary place to return. Self reflection or going within… what if I move into my heart and it doesn’t like me? What if the inner child doesn’t like the adult I’ve become? What if the adult I’ve become doesn’t like the inner child?

True happiness is found within the heart. Seeing with your heart and not your eyes. Moving into your heart and loving those broken parts of you. Stepping outside of the experience and see that perhaps the person that hurt you was hurting themselves. Meeting your wounds and their actions with love, compassion and grace.

Self love and self awareness are the keys to peace within.

Seeing life from a higher perspective on where we can see the trail behind each person, see that most of those that hurt us act from a place of unlove or lack.

Once you can see from this angle it is easier to free the tie that binds. To forgive them and ultimately forgive your Self.

Self forgiveness isn’t always about forgiving yourself for past actions… it can be about forgiving yourself for believing you were unworthy, unlovable or anything less than What You Truly Are.

Forgive the past for it has come and gone. Moving into this moment and ask yourself, How would you like to feel, Who would you like to be, What would you like to do, and Choose this. For you Always had the Power to decide.

Take back your power of Self and Choose.
